Friday, July 24, 2009

Thank you, Lord!

Lord Jesus, thank You for all the ways and places You've shown us Yourself while we've been on this trip. In the beauty of the landscape from NE Oklahoma to Missouri and Illinois to Washington, DC. In the monuments' architecture and engravings as they represent some of the best of man's thought and skills throughout the centuries, reflecting back to Rome, through our nation's founding, and to the current day. In the beautiful weather (who knew it could be mild in July in this once-swampland?!). In the physical testiments to love's sacrifice, especially in the war monuments and the National Cemetary, but also in the church structures and their banners waving to their neighbors to come to the Savior and heal. And oh my, in all the people of this city: business-suit wearers, tourists, Anacostia kids, homeless, and all the people here who serve all of them.

It has been an incredible privilege to live this week among Your Tulsa kids who came here to see the city and to serve its poor. Lord, I love the strength and energy and joy You have given them. I love the good manners and kindness. I love the friendships among these kids and how those have grown.

Enrique Sifuentes is like a sponge, soaking up all he can possibly learn from the people around him who love You, and then giving love back out of himself to his teammates and to the poor and to the VBS kids. He listens, listens, listens, watches, then shares something profound, then swings a kid onto his shoulders. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Enrique!

Ben Rains, who came not liking to talk to strangers and not liking to play with kids, has done exactly that for the entire week . . . and has discovered he likes kids after all! He is strong and stable just like at home, but with an added embrace of chaos. When he quietly speaks, it is always worth listening to...thoughtful, articulate and insightful. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Ben!

Tyler McIntosh always has a game for our team or for the kids in Anacostia, alway has a word to fill in when one is needed, is willing to pray, or hold open the door, or ask a question, share a deep thought, or play a game, play a game, play a game. I think fun is holy, Lord, and I love to see Tyler's love for You and for people and for fun. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Tyler.

Jake Allison is exuberant and strong and loved and loving, and he shares all of that with the people around him. It's so fun to see him hauling kids on his shoulders, never tiring, dancing with them even...and adding sound effects...when he saw these additions helped the kids enjoy it more. He's great with music, and listening to him talk about it--and other subjects that interest him--is so fun. He shares his strength and reveals his weakness, all in the confidence that loves gives, and all of it is a blessing. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Jake.

Chris Asher coming with a purple mohawk is the perfect connector with tons of people here! The kids at VBS cannot leave him, or his hair, alone; and the people on the streets instantly like him, too. He shared part of his story and Your story at Anacostia, and just like the purple hair, it instantly connected. He uses his strength, like the other men on the team, to haul little kids (and some not so little) on his shoulders and to be a gentleman to the ladies, to tackle random physical challenges and to cheerfully encourage others, and all of it is blessing. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Chris.

Anna Everett was amazing at that ropes course, Lord, way back at the beginning of the trip. She saw things so clearly that day which were invisible to the rest of us, and then she helped us see it too and untangle our way out of webs. It's been that way the whole trip. Her "seeing" and clarity and leadership are a huge help to the team, all the more so because it's all mixed with her humility, fun, personal tranparency and just openness. She is like a morning glory exploding with new leadership skills yet handling them with the seasoned maturity of a veteran. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Anna.

Hannah Nichols had to leave the trip early, but not so early that we didn't get a chance to enjoy You, Lord, in her. Hannah also "saw" at the ropes course what others did not yet see. Her problem-solving abilities are keen. She is ready to laugh and to play at a moment's notice. And her camera was often the first one out to capture a moment or a view that was worth remembering. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Hannah.

Leah Engstrom makes me laugh all the time. Her stories and facial charades are so funny. Then she sings, and her voice is so beautiful. Or she sits quietly and is just pleasant to be near. Her energy is endless. Watching her interact with people is better than watching a movie, because of all of those things. It's so fun to see You, Lord, in Leah.

Olivia Miller loves to serve, and serves very well--with capability, confidence, and joy. She anticipates a need and moves to fill it before others have even noticed. Her attentiveness to the group and the group's needs also gives her insight into group dynamics. There is an honest courage in her communication that gently speaks the truth without pulling any punches. It is so fun to see You, Lord, in Olivia.

Kathryn Phillips effervesces joy and affection. And the theft of her camera at a ministry site has allowed her to model your grace for the rest of us. In the face of frustration, disappointment, and a host of other emotions, Kathryn has modeled Kingdom perspective and a grateful heart. Moreover, her honesty and courage in facing her fears (like praying out loud for a stranger) has been an encouragement as we get to see God work in her and through her. It is so fun to see You, Lord, in Kathryn.

Nicole Moore is always cheerful. Early in the morning, late at night, in the middle of a menial task, or simply enjoying friends, it does not seem to matter. She is insightful and perceptive, quickly noticing where You are at work in our midst, Lord. She lives life "to the hilt," working hard, praying hard and playing hard. It is so fun to see you, Lord in Nicole.

Sarah Jackson was a trooper when she inadvertently left her wallet at our first host site and had to go without it for almost the rest of the time while she waited for it to arrive in the mail. So when the rest of us did the 'Urban Plunge' to help us experience what it's like to have to ask for the things you need, Sarah was way ahead of us because she'd already been doing it all week. (Albeit homelessness is different, because those dear folk are asking strangers not friends and because they don't have a wallet to arrive in the mail.) Sarah used her boundless energy and enthusiam to give cheerleading lessons, piggyback rides, and lots of laughter. I never saw Sarah complain, not even about being tired. I only saw her give great or quiet energy--depending on what was needed--and watch her play and laugh...and then fall dead asleep in the van. Then wake up ready to go again! It's so fun, Lord, seeing you in Sarah.

Thank you, Lord for the opportunity to see You this week in these Firsties!

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